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Why You Need a Professional Proofreading and Editing Services Provider in 2022

Content Writing
5 Min Read

Originally published May 18, 2022 , updated on July 30, 2024

Published Date: The date when the blog went live on GL website.Updated Date: The latest date when the GL Content team updated this blog.

Every business leader knows that, as much as technology and marketing have evolved over the years, there’s still no substitute for an impactful first impression. Whether you’re a veteran in your field or just striking out on your own, when it comes to content marketing, the key to a strong first impression lies in well-edited, precise copy. 

A professional proofreading and editing service is essential to creating content. It signals to readers that they can expect consistent quality from a potential partner. Here’s why you should hire professional editors to create high-quality content to take a company to the next level of growth.

What Does a Proofreading and Editing Service Do?

Content Marketing Services
Image Source: Pexels.Com

In simple terms, proofreaders and editors ensure that documents, whether marketing materials, web content, or industry-specific manuscripts, are free of errors and read clearly and logically. At its most basic level, this involves scanning texts for errors or omissions in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 

Beyond that, editors ensure that the information in a document flows logically and is written clearly and concisely. To that end, they may choose stronger words or phrases than those found in a draft. They replace vague or unclear language, explain jargon or technical language, and replace overused wording with original, impactful substitutes.

The finished product will flow smoothly and be easy and enjoyable to read. It will also present information in a clear, convincing manner, regardless of content or desired audience.

Why Hire Professional Editors?

Increase Productivity and Streamline Operations

Perhaps you work with a few trusted experts in your industry to produce written content. Or, you may even have an in-house staff dedicated to the task. However you approach the writing process, you probably depend on your team to provide relevant, up-to-date information based on expertise. Thus, requiring your writers to then proofread and edit their own work can require hours of costly additional work.

With professional proofreaders and editors on call, your writers can focus on producing the content which helps your business grow. They can then generate more finished work leading to more promising projects and greater overall productivity and profitability. As a result, a small investment in proofreading and editing services can lead to sizable dividends for a company in the long run.

Maintain a Consistent Public Image and Branding

All successful businesses spend substantial amounts of energy and resources on building a distinctive brand. It should communicate a unique experience to customers and partners. Much of the branding process hinges on elements such as graphic design and tone in advertising. 

But at its most basic, whether a brand succeeds depends on the creation of a consistent voice, or the personality conveyed to the audience. The more experts and writers you have producing content for your company, the more likely you are to get a product that reflects dozens or even hundreds of voices. 

When you hire professional editors, you can provide them with branding materials. These materials give them a precise idea of the tone and feel of your brand. They can then use this information to ensure that every piece of copy which passes through their expert hands is kept consistent with your brand’s voice.

Spur Growth and Competitiveness

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Image Source: Unsplash.Com

Whether you’re trying to attract new customers or generate interest among potential partners, who your audience decides to trust, invest in, or buy from often comes down to appearances. When your written content is full of spelling errors, confusing language, and simple mistakes, it may not matter that you offer a superior product or service. Those mistakes can lead viewers to believe that you may not give their needs the attention to detail they deserve.

Your risk of this problem decreases drastically when you hire professional editors. Subtle professional touches which your audience may not even notice will nonetheless mark the difference between a well-written and edited piece of work and one produced by a non-specialist. The resulting product will present you and your company in the strongest possible light. It also maximises your chances of generating new business and leads.

Continually Improve the Quality of Your Content

It’s an established practice among proofreading and editing services to leave constructive feedback. The feedback is in the form of comments and notes on the documents they work on. These can involve anything from basic spelling corrections to stylistic recommendations. These will help improve the flow, structure, readability, clarity, or originality of texts.

This information can be an invaluable resource if capitalised upon. To begin with, it can be passed onto writers and staff to help them understand how they can improve their writing in the future. You can also compile it into an in-house style guide for the use of your team to streamline the writing process in the future. 

In both cases, the result can be a significant improvement in quality and clarity. It will save time for your team as well as for the editors on whom you rely. Plus, over time you’ll gain a reputation as an authority in your industry. This reputation leads to greater trust among consumers and a stronger brand presence next to your competitors.

Ensure Your Content is Error-Free

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Image Source: Pexels.Com

Although a consistent voice and branding, polished language, and engaging tone are vital to helping your content land, technical accuracy is also of critical importance. Many marketers find that, as challenging as it can be to establish authority, it’s just as easy to lose credibility when their work contains inaccuracies and technical errors. 

For example, consider that a newly-onboarded writer refers to outdated statistics or misclassifies a SaaS product. It can not only reflect poorly on your company, but may lead audiences to make costly mistakes in their own operations.

Partnering with proven proofreading and editing services provides you with a network of experts. These people are familiar with your specialties or equipped. Doing so will ensure that your information is fully accurate and precise. Not only will they catch minute mistakes which can damage your credibility, they’ll ensure that readers receive the most up-to-date information. Thus, it helps to establish you as a reliable source in your industry.

Partner With Proven Specialists

Hiring professional editors will help your company flourish in today’s competitive market. The right editors will help you craft a consistent, distinctive voice. They bring your products and services to the people who need them most. When you’re ready to partner with a proven team, get in touch with Goodman Lantern. This content marketing agency provides a full suite of professional proofreading and editing services. It helps brands stand out in a wide array of industries. Reach out to us today to find out more about how we can help you forge a path to success.

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"Working with Goodman Lantern has been fantastic. From the evaluation process to our current day-to-day it has been a pleasure. They have been accommodating and helpful throughout the entire engagement. The deadlines are always met and the communication is consistent. You'd be amazed at how many partners struggle with this. I would recommend them to anyone looking for content services." Jeff Soriano,
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