Originally published December 10, 2014 , updated on September 18, 2024
If you are launching a new app, website, or digital product, it’s worth telling the world about it. A good place to get started is to contact technology blogs that care about your innovation and are looking to find the next big thing. If pitched in the right way they can make a difference. Here is a list of Top 125 technology blogs you should certainly get in touch with:
Blog / Website Name | URL |
TechCrunch | https://techcrunch.com/ |
The Next Web | https://thenextweb.com/ |
The Verge | https://www.theverge.com/ |
CNET | https://www.cnet.com/ |
Bloomberg’s Tech column | https://www.bloomberg.com/technology/ |
ZDNet | https://www.zdnet.com/ |
Engadget | https://www.engadget.com/ |
Ars Technica | https://arstechnica.com/ |
New York Times Technology Column | https://www.nytimes.com/pages/technology/index.html |
Gigaom | https://gigaom.com/ |
9to5Mac | https://www.9to5mac.com/ |
Mashable | https://mashable.com/ |
Wired | https://www.wired.com/ |
AppleInsider | https://appleinsider.com/ |
MacRumors | https://www.macrumors.com/ |
NYT Bits | https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/ |
paidContent | https://gigaom.com/?primary_channel=media |
Fortune | https://fortune.com/ |
VentureBeat | https://venturebeat.com/ |
Make Use Of | https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/author/mark |
Digital Inspiration | https://www.labnol.org/ |
Tech Dirt | https://www.techdirt.com/ |
Tom’s Hardware | https://www.tomshardware.com/ |
Inside Facebook | https://www.insidefacebook.com/ |
Los Angeles Times | https://www.latimes.com/ |
Slash Dot | https://slashdot.org/ |
Slate’s Technology Column | https://www.slate.com/articles/technology.html |
Life Hacker | https://www.lifehacker.co.in/ |
MIT’s Technology Review | https://www.technologyreview.com/ |
Geek Wire | https://www.geekwire.com/ |
BBC Future | https://www.bbc.com/future |
Techna Bob | https://technabob.com/ |
Quartz.com | https://qz.com/ |
Guardian Technology Column | https://www.theguardian.com/technology |
Electronic Frontier Foundation | https://www.eff.org/ |
Gizmodo | https://gizmodo.com/ |
BGR | https://bgr.com/ |
Tech Redar | https://www.techradar.com/ |
Beta News | https://betanews.com/ |
The Register | https://www.theregister.co.uk/ |
IT World | https://www.itworld.com/ |
PC Mag | https://www.pcmag.com/ |
Addictive Tips | https://www.addictivetips.com/ |
Gear Petrol | https://gearpatrol.com/ |
Ad Age | https://adage.com/ |
How To Geek | https://www.howtogeek.com/ |
9 to 5 Google | https://9to5google.com/ |
9 to Toys | https://9to5toys.com/ |
Fast Company | https://www.fastcompany.com/ |
iFixit | https://www.ifixit.com/ |
Peta Pixel | https://petapixel.com/ |
Droid Life | https://www.droid-life.com |
Huffington Post | https://www.huffingtonpost.com |
Laptop Mag | https://blog.laptopmag.com/ |
Tech Cocktail | https://tech.co/ |
Android Police | https://www.androidpolice.com/ |
The Flurry Blog | https://www.flurry.com/ |
Times if India’s Technology column | https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech |
Neowin | https://www.neowin.net/ |
Talk Android | https://www.talkandroid.com/ |
Pocket Lint | https://www.pocket-lint.com/ |
Adweek | https://www.adweek.com/ |
Slash Gear | https://www.slashgear.com/ |
Electronista | https://www.electronista.com/ |
Ken Sengall’s Blog | https://kensegall.com/blog/ |
Shout Me Loud | https://www.shoutmeloud.com/ |
Just Web World | https://www.justwebworld.com/ |
Blog Godown | https://www.bloggodown.com/ |
Hot Blog Tips | https://hotblogtips.com |
Blogging Cage | https://www.bloggingcage.com/ |
Bloggers Passion | https://bloggerspassion.com/ |
Pro Blogger | https://www.problogger.net |
Smart Bloggerz | https://www.smartbloggerz.com/ |
Copy Blogger | https://www.copyblogger.com/ |
Tricks Daddy | https://www.tricksdaddy.com/ |
Techy Passion | https://www.techypassion.com/ |
Computer How To Guide | https://www.computerhowtoguide.com |
Shout Me Tech | https://shoutmetech.com/ |
Techie Blogger | https://www.techieblogger.com/ |
Smashing Magazine | https://www.smashingmagazine.com |
Wiki Blinks | https://wikiblinks.com/ |
Biz Journals | https://www.bizjournals.com |
Groovy Post | https://www.groovypost.com |
Chris Pirillo’s Blog | https://chris.pirillo.com/ |
Let’s Talk Tech | https://letstalk-tech.com |
Tech Shout | https://www.techshout.com/ |
Skatter | https://skatter.com/ |
Techi | https://www.techi.com |
Geek Insider | https://www.geekinsider.com/ |
Blog Solute | https://www.blogsolute.com/ |
Tech Linko | https://www.techlinko.com |
Beta Kit | https://www.betakit.com |
Web Designer Depot | https://www.webdesignerdepot.com |
G Hacks | https://www.ghacks.net/ |
Evernote Blogcast | https://blog.evernote.com |
Rogers Redboard | https://redboard.rogers.com/ |
Chip Chicks | https://www.chipchick.com/ |
Android Guys | https://www.androidguys.com |
Phone News | https://www.phonenews.com/ |
Zatz Not Funny | https://www.zatznotfunny.com/ |
Euro Gamer | https://www.eurogamer.net |
Fone Arena | https://www.fonearena.com/blog |
Berry Reviews | https://www.berryreview.com |
The Tech Blog | https://www.thetechblock.com |
Yanko Design | https://www.yankodesign.com/ |
Chitika Insights | https://chitika.com/insights/ |
All Facebook | https://allfacebook.com/ |
Mobile Burn | https://www.mobileburn.com |
Lili Putting | https://liliputing.com |
Phone Scoop | https://www.phonescoop.com |
WM Power User | https://wmpoweruser.com |
Android and Me | https://androidandme.com |
Into Mobile | https://www.intomobile.com |
Pocket Now | https://pocketnow.com/ |
Tuaw – Unofficial Apple Blog | https://www.tuaw.com |
Mobile Syrup | https://mobilesyrup.com |
PH Android | https://phandroid.com/ |
OS News | https://www.osnews.com/ |
Matthew Woodward | https://www.matthewwoodward.co.uk/ |
Technorati | https://technorati.com/ |
Marketing Land | https://marketingland.com |
Chris Brogan | https://www.chrisbrogan.com |
Social Times | https://www.mediabistro.com/aboutus/ |
Search Engine Journal | https://www.searchenginejournal.com/ |