Originally published January 19, 2018 , updated on October 24, 2023
There are two major differences of opinion on how our work should relate to our private lives.
⇒ Which camp do you belong to?
1. Work-Life Balance is Important
2. Work Now, Live Later
There are tons of startup entrepreneurs and professionals who have very different beliefs about this.
Where do you stand on this?
OPINION 1: Work-Life Balance
These people believe in working hard as possible, but for fewer hours.
This makes more time for family, sport, hobbies… whatever they care most about.
They say if you do this – really make time for your life outside of work – your life will improve.
⇒ The concept is closely tied to the “money doesn’t buy happiness” rationale, but there’s more to it than that.
At its core, it’s a principle that was born of the regrets of the hardline “Business First” generation. There have been hundreds of articles about missing school recitals, football matches, parties, anniversaries in the name of progress at work.
Putting work first has a time and place, and they believe downtime is just as important.
Are you a Work-Life Balance pro? ⇓ (Tell me how you do it in the comments…)
OPINION 2: Work Now, Live Later
These people are closer to the hardline previous generation.
They rationalise that their elders may have had zero personal time, but they got results.
Halfway through their careers, they could afford sports cars, a home, and maybe even travel.
⇒ If they were successful.
The other side of the coin exists, and it can get very ugly indeed.
The new school of thought is that the majority of cash loss and morale death happened because they stayed in the game too long.
The argument is that getting out when your career has peaked for a number of years is better than slowly killing yourself as you get older.
Are you one of these business people? Do you think working now and living later is for the best?
How do you make it work? (Tell me your approach in the comments!)
I want to hear from you.
It’s always interesting to find out how others manage the balance in their lives.
Leave a comment and tell me what you need tips on. ⇓
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